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Facebook Live Best Practices

As new distribution channels emerge and consumers flock to try out the latest and greatest, brands are eager to test them out, too. Facebook Live is among those that are becoming increasingly more popular and a line item for campaigns. So how do you effectively leverage the audience you’ve built on the social giant’s platform to ensure a smooth campaign? We’ve provided the below best practices to help with your upcoming Facebook Live activations:

Trial Run: Make sure to conduct a trial run at the same location and time as your live stream. The content of this trial run can be anything you want and can also be private to just a few parties, but it will help point out any technical issues you may run into during the actual live stream.

Internet: Having a steady internet connection is extremely important for ensuring a high-quality, stable video stream. WiFi is usually the best option, but otherwise a 4G/LTE connection should also work. When your signal is too weak, you won’t be able to stream on Facebook as the “Go Live” button will be grayed out.

Video: Since you’ll most likely be using your phone to stream, be sure to keep it as stable as possible. We’ve found that propping up your phone or walking around with your phone works well, but running and moving around while holding your phone tends to create a very shaky video that causes an unpleasant experience to those watching.

Audio: Try to stream from somewhere relatively quiet, otherwise using a mic will help reduce background noise and focus on your voice instead.

Interacting with your Audience: Your audience will be asking questions and making comments during your live stream – this is a perfect time to interact with them! When replying to someone’s question or comment, address them by name and thank them for joining. Take advantage of these interactions to build your base of loyal followers.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out for more info and advice on making the most of your live stream!

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