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Instagram vs Snapchat – What’s the Big Game Changer? 

The social platforms showed their muscle these past few weeks, announcing feature updates that as predicted, sent millions of consumers and companies into a whirlwind. Does anyone remember the shocking Facebook Timeline launch in 2011? We all complained, but then we all got on board, showing the power really does lie with the 800-lb gorillas. And while there has been a ton of speculation on how Instagram’s algorithm update will change the game, there are still a lot of unknowns until it’s rolled out widely.

But what about the somewhat less disruptive and more obviously positive feature updates? Last week, Instagram announced the ability to upload 60-sec videos and Snapchat now makes talking to your friends more interactive with real-time video chat.

With the 60-seconds update from Instagram, there is a huge opportunity for brands to engage with audiences with longer-form video. We are already seeing dollars shift from traditional media, and with another platform that provides that ’60-sec’ spot real-estate, budgets will continue to move out of TV and onto social.

So how do Creators handle these changes and use it to their advantage? We asked and they answered…

1. Snapchat Chat or Instagram 60 second video — which one is the bigger game changer?

  • Deepica Mutyala: Both updates excite me and will impact the way I share my content and connect with my followers. I generally think Snapchat is the future of social media. It’s raw and real content that’s easy to digest. I find myself using Snapchat more than any other social media outlet on a day to day basis. Sort of feels like my own reality show in a way!
  • Jason Nash: Wow! 60 seconds! For me it’s Instagram. This is absolutely so cool. It’s going to change the game for creators. People will be migrating to their accounts to see longer vids. And they still get pictures.
  • Ry Doon: Snapchat chat will be the bigger game changer. In the short term- for socializing between friends. But the long term effects will also benefit content creators. The chat feature will bring more users to snapchat using it socially, which will eventually benefit content creators in that more users means more audience.  I’m all for people using Snapchat as primarily a socializing tool. 60 second IG videos is great for those who want to make longer videos… But that’s a small percentage of IG users.
  • Sunny Mabrey: I imagine I will use both of them a lot because I use both apps a lot. I am making longer-form videos now, so the added time on Instagram will be amazing.

2. Which one will you use more to connect with fans?

  • Deepica: Being a YouTuber who creates beauty tutorials, I am excited about the Instagram update as well. Now that I have a minute, I think it’ll change the way I use Instagram videos. Instead of creating them as a marketing tool to tease and drive to my YouTube videos, I see myself (as well as other beauty vloggers) creating 60-second videos solely for Instagram. The reality is capturing an audience longer than that these days is tough anyways.
  • Jason: Instagram definitely. I know they’re going to love some of the videos I’ve been working on that were too long before now. Snapchat Chat will be amazing to drop in on fans and say “hey thanks for following me.” I always love that. And being able to speak directly, that’s a game changer.
  • Ry: Snapchat. I like to have friendly relationships with my audience. I respond to snaps sent to me as often as I can. I want my fans to feel more like friends, because they are… Anyone who connects with my bizarre sense of humor is someone who I’d probably hang out with.
  • Sunny: I will most likely be communicating with friends and fans via both! I respond to people on both apps equally

3. Which feature do you think will give you more advertiser dollars?

  • Deepica: I think 60-second Instagram videos will be a powerful way to produce content for brands that you’re able to quantify. Brands are still trying to figure out how to leverage Snapchat, but the more Snapchat continues to evolve, the more I think brands and influencers will recognize exactly how powerful of a channel it is.
  • Jason: Again, Instagram video will benefit me more. I’m not sure if brands will want to use Snapchat chat but you never know.
  • Ry: Snapchat


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